Monday, May 11, 2009


Life is water droplets.

Every scenes in your life represents each droplets,

taking serious damn long time to let it pass...

Can i endure it?

No, not even one second...


  1. This is a good metaphor for life!
    I think life is just a way or a process to learn.
    That's why, sometimes, you have to endure EVERYTHING even though you think you can't.
    I think that til the end there will be a surprise waiting for you, yes, it will be.
    No matter what you are trying to endure now,
    don't be too uptight, just let it be.
    All the best in your new semester.
    By the way, just in case you need any help, just tell me la.

  2. haha..just feel like posting this kind of sick stuff XD
