Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My portfolio

2 model

emma watson full body

emma watson close up

Nice reference actually

yoona from young generation

Get it in magazine

dunno her name..haha

Jumper that gal..name forgot

Twilight that gal, somehow figure doesn't like her

proportional run out ><
Heroes that guy, forgot his name ==

Lee Hom

Actually, ths sem im quite proud of myself. Coz i rilli put effort on it n get the results. Somehow, i learn more than tat, life philosophy and so on. This sem was just great, meet great frens, lecturer, n great things. And i move 1 steps closer to myself. Although i major in Advertising, i will not forget to talk a walk to illus department and meet those lecturers (call them dude more suitable). This sem i enjoy a lot and this is the only figure class that i dun wish to end so fast.
Life brief candle...

Monday, April 6, 2009


不分昼夜地做功课,真让我透不气过起来。终于理解那些人为什么要环游世界。哈哈。。真可笑!想想也对,人总是要放松自己,逼自己反而会死得更早。功课固然重要,睡眠更是应该排在第一。 虽说勤奋很重要,难道你努力了那么久为了就是要买棺材费。闷~到头来有什么意义呢?该死的学院搞得我们快要疯了。一是发觉原来一天可以过那么久。。*没有睡觉到第二天*二是舌头快失灵了。。*多谢 3”M”只有三种选择,mamak, mcd, mingtien (foodcourt).最近几天几乎很累,就快要假期了。。太感动了!废话下一次再讲。。